Part 7– No More Tomorrows, No More Sunrises nor Sunsets

Chris Statham
4 min readApr 7, 2020

What is it they say, lucky in life, unlucky in love — or something like that. I seem to be unlucky in life, love and cards, and hence my drawing, each Queen of Hearts representing a failed relationship.

With Abi, it started so promisingly, so too Sonia. But over time, the lows dished out more punishment than the highs could plaster over.

It doesn’t matter what I’ve tried over the last few months with Abi; I can feel the love is no longer reciprocated; our love is fading.

This seems to be the story of my love life — a game of disappointment. With Abi, her way is the only way. The relationship is continually reaching breaking point and one day it will surely snap.

I now realise that Abigail has always striven to have the moral high ground, and which admittedly is not hard to achieve if I’m in the crosshairs. She has no problem to tell one and all about my past failings, whether that’s with my children, my ex, drugs or alcohol. I don’t know what she gets out of it other than my belittling. Though she was not part of my past, she nevertheless manages to twist the conversation so that she is the victim and I’m the thoughtless wanker. On the other side of the equation, she never admits her mistakes. She thinks her farts generally smell like roses and I’m sure her piss would taste…



Chris Statham

Entrepreneur, student, pie eater, father, novelist, traveler, poet wannabe, pub visitor, husband, rugby enthusiast and part-time wizard.