Happy Africa DayYesterday was Africa Day and as I read some posts I saw cliche pictures of animals and women with pots on heads… but to me, Africa is…May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
WHAT DOES CREATIVITYXROADS MEAN?I have lived a life of breaking rules and not accepting norms… and I want my writing to be the same. I want to mix poetry and prose and…Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
Part 7– No More Tomorrows, No More Sunrises nor SunsetsWhat is it they say, lucky in life, unlucky in love — or something like that. I seem to be unlucky in life, love and cards, and hence my…Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020
Part 6–Long-Term Relationships — The Worst Of Both WorldsI’ve only been in one proper long-term relationship, my life mainly single shags in random beds, toilets and cars. I think I’m a…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
Part 5–Who And What Is A Modern Man?Now you know where I’m from, which generation I’m part of and my political leanings. I’m a guy, a man boy, a person with a pocket rocket…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Part 4. My Politics — What Are You Going To Do About It?I have progressed to the bus stop in my isolated seaside town and where there is little to do but get high or drunk or fight or fuck. The…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Misconceptions and Ungodly Truths About My GenerationThe UK is where I’m from but it does not define who I am. Let me spell it out what I really think about the island I call home. The wealth…Mar 21, 20201Mar 21, 20201
Life, Love and Legacy — I’m Made In The UKI’m walking down the stairs of the place I call work, which could be renamed hell. As I leave as fast as possible, I’m making plans for…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Everything You Need To Know About The StorytellerIt’s just gone 6pm on a Friday night, the end of my work week and this is going to be one week in my life. You might find me adversarial…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Published inWriters GuildBecoming a Female Private EyeNone of Indira Stamford’s friends or family knew her secret, not even Lucy and Emma. All assumed that when she left home early in the…Jul 16, 2018Jul 16, 2018